Thursday, August 19, 2010

homemade kids costumes Three year old baby may practice the Tae Kwon Do

Looks like in everybody, the Tae Kwon Do kicks kicks and beats hits, the resistance is intense, only suits the adult or the young people practices. But reporter discovered yesterday in the interview that in a Zhongshan kindergarten some 2-3 year-old baby also practiced a Tae Kwon Do .3 year old of baby to be able unexpectedly to practice the resistance intense Tae Kwon Do? How was injured to manage? Regarding this, the Tae Kwon Do training indicated that baby Tae Kwon Do professor the repertoire, does not have generally only the intense athletics, will therefore not be injured. And baby study Tae Kwon Do advantage very much, not only may shift to an earlier time trains them to the Tae Kwon Do interest, grasps the Tae Kwon Do the basic skill, moreover may also model baby's etiquette politeness early through the practice Tae Kwon Do.

However, reporter discovered in afterward interview that the student guardian, the baby guardian mostly not too catches cold regarding this particularly, they generally believe, the movement is eventually the movement, the baby is too small, the body has not grown well, will be injured unavoidably.

But the expert believed that the child too small words study's effect will not be definitely good, and the necessity has not let the child premature study too many second classroom the thing.

3 year-old baby also good Tae Kwon Do

Acts the uniform, hi the sound vigor is full, yesterday about 11:00 am, reporter in Zhang Jiabian the kindergarten Tae Kwon Do training facility saw that 20 3~6 year-old babies under the Tae Kwon Do training's leadership, have the mold to have the type place to gesture, each one strength is as if full, the interest is very large. According to this garden Mr./Mrs. Xu introduced that the Tae Kwon Do road maintenance crew is their this semester only then the experiment site start, at present the first group of students have 22, about smallest 3 years old,homemade kids costumes, biggest also 56 years old. What but trains invites is the development zone physical culture commission's outstanding professional training training.

She told the reporters, their Tae Kwon Do road maintenance crew unified baby's age characteristic,jazzy toes baby socks, uses the rich lively teaching form, learns through playing, lets the Tae Kwon Do train one kind of activity which into the child likes. Now they first experiment site one batch,kids clothing, if the effect is good, next semester they will unfold comprehensively.

The baby Tae Kwon Do etiquette is most important

Actually the Tae Kwon Do should also work from the baby, a smaller raise is better, esteems martial arts Tae Kwon Do hall Coach Deng Zhengwu according to this squad drill Zhongshan to introduce, they open the baby Tae Kwon Do to strong and healthy body are the most basic goals, but must teach the child more importantly to understand the etiquette politeness, the academic society respects. He told the reporters, now many guardians in the child baby time, not too pay great attention to teach the child the etiquette politeness, but the Tae Kwon Do starts by the ritual, finished by the ritual, from beginning to end initiated the etiquette. Moreover the Tae Kwon Do spirit in is the sense of propriety, endures patiently denies oneself, indomitable, how besides teaches the children personhood, but also has raised their strong will and the brave spirit.

Deng Zhengwu told the reporters, although the Tae Kwon Do is athletics movement, has the possibility to be injured, but because their baby Tae Kwon Do unified baby's age characteristic, only lies in trains the child to the Tae Kwon Do interest hobby and professor the basic skill, not intense bodily resistance, therefore the child age is very small, generally will not be injured. He hoped that the guardian can support them. Moreover, as explained by him, studies the Tae Kwon Do should better generally to be 5~6 year-old child, because the child too small words are unable to look after itself, but in school, because they train many, and has one to be auxiliary teacher to be auxiliary in the one side, therefore the child dot does not matter.

All quarters view

Guardian: The opponent supports few

Regarding 3 year-old child study Tae Kwon Do's matter, reporter interviewed the partial guardians to discover yesterday that the guardian thought mostly the Tae Kwon Do was the intense movement which one kind kicked kicks and beats hits, did not suit the child, particularly age too young baby practice.

Residential Ms. Xu indicated: Only then 34 years old go to school the Tae Kwon Do? Tae Kwon Do this movement to the baby also too violence. Moreover such movement easy to be injured, then the young children have not grown well, how was injured to manage. But the elementary school meets Mr. Luo who in Yong Jingyuan the child is on vacation from school to tell reporter: Studies the Tae Kwon Do to be able to exercise the body, but 34 year old of study Tae Kwon Do age was too small, the movement will be very easy to be injured.

However, the family lives in the first city Mr. Jiang actually indicated that he approved the babies start from the baby to go to school the Tae Kwon Do, is injured the question regarding the child, he believed that oneself in childhood when countryside runs around jumps madly is also all right, practices the Tae Kwon Do repertoire should not to be easy to be injured.

Training: The baby practice needs against is injured

Triumphant cushion Tae Kwon Do time hall Manager Li Fei the great wild goose told the reporters, generally practices the Tae Kwon Do the best time is, 6~8 year old of raise basic skills, 8~10 years old start to practice the speed, dynamics. Because common baby's study consciousness and the physical quality are not very good,(Related Articleskids shoes Domestic brand shoes business enters th), if therefore too slightly practices, the effect will not be very obvious.

According to it introduced that present's populace Tae Kwon Do is divided above athletics and the repertoire two kinds of .6 years old, and must be the greenbelt above child only then may practice athletics Tae Kwon Do, but 6 year-old below must practice the repertoire.

Moreover, he reminds the child who practices the baby Tae Kwon Do, when practices the repertoire Tae Kwon Do, must pay attention to own scope and send the strength, when particularly has the landing movement, must pay attention to the landing the way, prevents the twist ankle.

Doctor: The necessity premature study too have not been many

According to the Zhongshan Universal love Hospital child care branch psychology consultation teacher, medicine Master Dr. He said that generally speaking, 3 year-old about child has had certain motor ability, may let it approximately study a thing. But strictly speaking, too young child not necessity premature study too many second classroom thing. Because, the human brain emphasizes balanced, if some, on the one hand too developed, in that other aspect certain extent will be suppressed. For instance the movement aspect is very developed, that language aspect has the possibility almost. She thought that too small child being suitable study too many other things, if must study really, should better be the target-oriented geoscience. Should first test child's balanced question, if various aspects are balanced, may let an its achievement special skill study, Dr. He indicated that if the child himself has the imbalanced problem, should act appropriately to the situation makes up the flaw the part.

Moreover, she stressed that child's wish is quite important. The child likes very much the words may guide according to its interest, does not like the words cannot force to study.

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